rsync is used to sync files on
remote and local machines. You can use rsync to copy files to remote systems
and back again, or to make backups to locally mounted hard drives.
As an effective tool, rsync is great
at moving data from one machine to another. If used incorrectly, though, it can
also be an effective tool at overwriting data or deleting file.
The first time you get ready to run
an rsync command, particularly the first few times out, you might want to make
use of the -n option (also --dry-run if you prefer the more verbose option
name). This is to run through a trial run with no actual changes made.
rsync is a replacement for rcp (and
scp) that has many more features. It uses the "rsync algorithm" which
provides a very fast method for remote files into sync. It does this by sending
just the differences in the files across the link, without requiring that both
sets of files are present at one of the ends of the link beforehand.
· Support for copying links,
devices, owners, groups and permissions
· Exclude and exclude-from options
similar to GNU tar
· A CVS exclude mode for ignoring
the same files that CVS would ignore
· Does not require root privileges
· Pipelining of file transfers to
minimize latency costs
· Support for anonymous or
authenticated rsync servers (ideal for mirroring)
Important features of rsync
Speed: First time, rsync replicates
the whole content between the source and destination directories. Next time,
rsync transfers only the changed blocks or bytes to the destination location,
which makes the transfer really fast.
Security: rsync allows encryption of
data using ssh protocol during transfer.
Less Bandwidth: rsync uses
compression and decompression of data block by block at the sending and
receiving end respectively. So the bandwidth used by rsync will be always less
compared to other file transfer protocols.
Privileges: No special privileges
are required to install and execute rsync
$ rsync options source destination
When to Use rsync
Use rsync when you want to do
unattended backups, or complex syncing operations. It can do a lot of things
that GUI tools can't, or don't do well -- like syncing files from your home
directory to a locally attached USB disk.
Using rsync
Here's a basic example to copy files
from a home directory to a USB drive
rsync -avh
--exclude="*.iso" /home/user/bin/ /media/diskid/user_backup/
As you can see, you can combine
options after one dash. The -avhz following rsync is the same as using -a -v -h
-z, but much easier to type.
Let's break that down. You have the
rsync command followed by four options and one argument. The options are
archive (-a), which tells rsync to copy files recursively and to preserve group
and user ownership when it copies files. This is generally a good idea to
The verbose option (v) tells rsync
to print to the terminal what it's doing in greater detail. I like to use this
when I'm testing an rsync command before adding it to a script. When you use
this, rsync will print the list of changed files that it's sending and the time
it takes, the amount of data copied over, etc. If you omit -v rsync will just
print a short message about the number of bytes sent, size, and so on. But you
won't see a detailed file list. If you'd like to do away with this entirely,
you can use the -q option instead to "quiet" rsync -- which might be
useful in some cases when writing scripts for rsync.
The human-readable option (h)
directs rsync to produce slightly more readable output. Without -h, rsync just
shows bytes, which might not be terribly useful. Note that -h isn't the same as
--h: rsync uses --h for its help option.
Finally, this command directs rsync
to ignore files that end with .iso. I download milestone and release candidate
images of openSUSE pretty often, and don't see any need to maintain an offsite
or local backup of them since I can always get them again if needed.
Unattended Backups
Copying files to a locally attached
disk can be useful, but I also like to do a backup to a remote machine right
before I travel so that I have access to my most important files even if my
laptop dies or is stolen. It hasn't happened yet, but I attribute that to doing
backups beforehand. If there's anything one should be superstitious about, it's
backing up files. If you believe nothing else, believe that files that are not
backed up will spontaneously delete themselves if only to spite you.
But make it easy on yourself. Odds
are you don't feel like sitting at your computer entering a password every time
rsync opens a new connection to a remote host. You can run unattended backups
by setting up an SSH key at the remote host. You can also SSH into a remote
host without needing to type the password each time too. If you haven't set
this up previously, it's very easy. Open a terminal and run:
ssh-keygen -t dsa
This will create a public and
private SSH key for you. You'll be prompted twice for a passphrase. Just hit
Enter each time. Now you need to get the public key to the remote host. For
this you want to use ssh-copy-id:
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/
This is a script that will copy your
public key to a remote host. It may not work on systems that have the remote
shell disabled. For instance, I've had no success getting it to work with In those cases, you need to copy your public key to
~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the remote system.
Now it's time to tell rsync to use
SSH, and point it at a remote host. To do this, use the -e SSH option, like so:
rsync -avze ssh
Here I tacked on the remote shell
(-e) option to -avz and told rsync that it should use SSH. Note that rsync can
also use other methods like rsh, but in practice I've never seen rsync used
with anything but SSH.
When specifying the directories, be
clear on whether you include the trailing slash. In the above example,
/home/user/directory would not be the same as /home/user/directory/. The
additional slash tells rsync to copy the contents but not the directory itself.
Without it, rsync will also create the directory.
What's the z option do? It tells
rsync to compress the data sent.
Note that you can do this the other
way too. If you want to back up a remote system to the local system, just swap
the remote and local host targets, like so:
rsync -avze ssh /home/user/directory/
Other Important Options
If you want to maintain an exact
copy of a directory, you can add the --delete option to your rsync command.
This will compare the destination and delete any files that aren't present on
the local system.
The advantage of using --delete is
that you keep a more or less identical copy of the two filesystems. The
disadvantage is that if you delete a local file accidentally and you have an
rsync backup going at regular intervals, you will lose the opportunity to
recover files from the remote backup.
The flip side of --delete is
--backup and --backup-dir or --suffix. If a file already exists on the host,
rsync will back it up before it's overwritten with the file being transferred.
I don't use these much myself, but it might be useful in some cases.
When running an attended copy, I
like to use --progress, so I can see what's going on as rsync copies each file.
When doing unattended backups, --progress isn't terribly useful.
Using Rsync Itself
Now on to actually using, or
initiating an rsync transfer with rsync itself. It's the same binary as the
daemon, just without the "--daemon" flag. It's simplicity is a
virtue. I'll start with a commandline that I use in a script to synchronize a
Web tree below.
rsync --verbose --progress --stats
--compress --rsh=/usr/local/bin/ssh \
--recursive --times --perms --links
--delete \
--exclude "*bak" --exclude
"*~" \
/www/* webserver:simple_path_name
Let's go through it one line at a
time. The first line calls rsync itself and specifies the options
"verbose," progress" and "stats" so that you can see
what's going on this first time around. The "compress" and
"rsh" options specify that you want your stream compressed and to
send it through ssh (remember from above?) for security's sake.
The next line specifies how rsync
itself operates on your files. You're telling rsync here to go through your
source pathname recursively with "recursive" and to preserve the file
timestamps and permissions with "times" and "perms." Copy
symbolic links with "links" and delete things from the remote rsync
server that are also deleted locally with "delete."
Now we have a line where there's
quite a bit of power and flexibility. You can specify GNU tar-like include and
exclude patterns here. In this example, I'm telling rsync to ignore some backup
files that are common in this Web tree ("*.bak" and "*~"
files). You can put whatever you want to match here, suited to your specific
needs. You can leave this line out and rsync will copy all your files as they
are locally to the remote machine. Depends on what you want.
Finally, the line that specifies the
source pathname, the remote rsync machine and rsync "path." The first
part "/www/*" specifies where on my local filesytem I want rsync to
grab the files from for transmission to the remote rsync server. The next word,
"webserver" should be the DNS name or IP address of your rsync
server. It can be "w.x.y.z" or "" or even
just "webserver" if you have a nickname defined in your /etc/hosts
file, as I do here. The single colon specifies that you want the whole mess
sent through your ssh tunnel, as opposed to the regular rsh tunnel. This is an
important point to pay attention to! If you use two colons, then despite the
specification of ssh on the commandline previously, you'll still go through
rsh. Ooops. The last "www" in that line is the rsync "path"
that you set up on the server as in the sample above.
How to use rsync for transferring
files under Linux or UNIX
is a free software computer program for Unix and Linux like systems which
synchronizes files and directories from one location to another while
minimizing data transfer using delta encoding when appropriate. An important feature
of rsync not found in most similar programs/protocols is that the mirroring
takes place with only one transmission in each direction.
Always use rsync over ssh
Since rsync does not provide any
security while transferring data it is recommended that you use rsync over ssh
. This allows a secure remote connection. Now let us see some examples of
rsync command common options
--delete : delete files that don't
exist on sender (system)
-v : Verbose (try -vv for more
detailed information)
-e "ssh options" : specify
the ssh as remote shell
-a : archive mode
-r : recurse into directories
-z : compress file data
Task : Copy file from a local
computer to a remote server
Copy file from /www/backup.tar.gz to
a remote server called
$ rsync -v -e ssh /www/backup.tar.gz
Please note that symbol ~ indicate
the users home directory (/home/jerry)
Task : Copy file from a remote
server to a local computer
Copy file /home/jerry/webroot.txt
from a remote server to a local computer /tmp directory:
$ rsync -v -e ssh /tmp
Task: Synchronize a local directory
with a remote directory
$ rsync -r -a -v -e "ssh -l
jerry" --delete /local/webroot
Task: Synchronize a remote directory
with a local directory
$ rsync -r -a -v -e "ssh -l
jerry" --delete /local/webroot
Task: Mirror a directory between my
"old" and "new" web server/ftp
You can mirror a directory between
my "old" ( and "new" web server with the
command (assuming that ssh keys are set for password less authentication)
$ rsync -zavrR --delete --links
--rsh="ssh -l vivek" /home/lighttpd
Synchronize Two Directories in a
Local Server
To sync two directories in a local
computer, use the following rsync -zvr command.
$ rsync -zvr
/var/opt/installation/inventory/ /root/temp
In the above rsync example:
-z is to enable compression
-v verbose
-r indicates recursive
Preserve timestamps during Sync
using rsync -a
rsync option -a indicates archive
mode. -a option does the following,
Recursive mode
Preserves symbolic links
Preserves permissions
Preserves timestamp
Preserves owner and group
$ rsync -azv
/var/opt/installation/inventory/ /root/temp/
Synchronize Only One File
rsync -v /var/lib/rpm/Pubkeys
Synchronize Files From Local to
rsync allows you to synchronize
files/directories between the local and remote system.
$ rsync -avz /root/temp/ techrock@
While doing synchronization with the
remote server, you need to specify username and ip-address of the remote
server. You should also specify the destination directory on the remote server.
The format is username@machinename:path
As you see above, it asks for
password while doing rsync from local to remote server.
Sometimes you don’t want to enter
the password while backing up files from local to remote server. For example,
If you have a backup shell script, that copies files from local to remote
server using rsync, you need the ability to rsync without having to enter the
Synchronize Files From Remote to
When you want to synchronize files
from remote to local, specify remote path in source and local path in target as
shown below.
$ rsync -avz techrock@
Remote shell for Synchronization
rsync allows you to specify the
remote shell which you want to use. You can use rsync ssh to enable the secured
remote connection.
Use rsync -e ssh to specify which
remote shell to use. In this case, rsync will use ssh.
$ rsync -avz -e ssh techrock@
Do Not Overwrite the Modified Files
at the Destination
In a typical sync situation, if a
file is modified at the destination, we might not want to overwrite the file
with the old file from the source.
Use rsync -u option to do exactly
that. (i.e do not overwrite a file at the destination, if it is modified). In
the following example, the file called Basenames is already modified at the
destination. So, it will not be overwritten with rsync -u.
$ rsync -avzu techrock@
Synchronize only the Directory Tree
Structure (not the files)
Use rsync -d option to synchronize
only directory tree from source to the destination. The below example,
synchronize only directory tree in recursive manner, not the files in the
$ rsync -v -d techrock@
View the rsync Progress during
When you use rsync for backup, you
might want to know the progress of the backup. i.e how many files are copies,
at what rate it is copying the file, etc.
rsync –progress option displays
detailed progress of rsync execution as shown below.
$ rsync -avz --progress techrock@
Delete the Files Created at the
If a file is not present at the
source, but present at the target, you might want to delete the file at the
target during rsync.
In that case, use –delete option as
shown below. rsync delete option deletes files that are not there in source
rsync -avz --delete techrock@
Do not Create New File at the Target
If you like, you can update (Sync)
only the existing files at the target. In case source has new files, which is
not there at the target, you can avoid creating these new files at the target.
If you want this feature, use –existing option with rsync command.
$ rsync -avz --existing
root@ .
Include and Exclude Pattern during
File Transfer
rsync allows you to give the pattern
you want to include and exclude files or directories while doing
$ rsync -avz --include 'P*'
--exclude '*' techrock@
In the above example, it includes
only the files or directories starting with ‘P’ (using rsync include) and
excludes all other files. (using rsync exclude ‘*’ )
Do Not Transfer Large Files
You can tell rsync not to transfer
files that are greater than a specific size using rsync –max-size option.
$ rsync -avz --max-size='100K' techrock@
max-size=100K makes rsync to
transfer only the files that are less than or equal to 100K. You can indicate M
for megabytes and G for gigabytes.
Transfer the Whole File
One of the main feature of rsync is
that it transfers only the changed block to the destination, instead of sending
the whole file.
If network bandwidth is not an issue
for you (but CPU is), you can transfer the whole file, using rsync -W option.
This will speed-up the rsync process, as it doesn’t have to perform the
checksum at the source and destination.
# rsync -avzW techrock@
Backup Scripts
du -csh /filer/legato_index/
echo "********************
Timestamp *************************" >> /var/log/rsync_mtree.log
date >>
echo "********************
Timestamp *************************" >> /var/log/rsync_mtree.log
/usr/bin/rsync -ae "/usr/bin/ssh -i
/root/.ssh/RSA_IIL" /home/rediff root@
ErrorCode=`/bin/echo $?`
if [ $ErrorCode -ne 0 ]
if [ $ErrorCode -ne 24 ]
/bin/echo "Rsync folder /home/rediff : successful" | /bin/mail
-s "Rsync Successful"
/bin/echo "Rsync Completed with Error Code (May not be successful,
Check errorcode): $ErrorCode" | /bin/mail -s "Rsync completed"
2. vi
–avtpogv –-rsh:$SSH $MASTER:$DIR $LDIR > /archivelog/backup/copyarchive.log
:- Production server name
DIR = Production server archive log path
LDIR= DR server archive log Path
SSH= Service
Rsync:- Its used for copy archive logfile from prod.
Save on production2/archivelog/backup/
To avoid
password prompt you need to setup ssh-keys, so on production2(DR) type
following commands
-t rsa
.ssh/ Username@Hostname:.ssh/authorized_keys2
- ssh-keygen -t rsa :- This command will generated one Key,This key will go into /home/.ssh/ is hidden folder)
- Run second command give production username and hostname.
Now you can login to production1 from
production2 without password.
Now setup
cron job using following script on production2
*/30 * *
* * /archivelog/backup/
will run in every 30 minutes
- replace production1 with FQDN of production1 server
- /archivelog/backup/copyarchive.log keeps log of the latest run script on production2; earlier logs will be replaced when the script is run next time.
3. #!/bin/bash
for folder in /etc /usr/local /home /var/gmail /var/yatra
/var/shailesh /var/rediff /export/home/yahoo /var/msn
#/usr/bin/rsync -aze
"/usr/bin/ssh -i /root/.ssh/rsyncbkp" $folder
/usr/bin/rsync -aze
"/usr/bin/ssh -i /root/.ssh/rsyncbackup.key" $folder --delete
ErrorCode=`/bin/echo $?`
if [ $ErrorCode -eq 0 -o $ErrorCode -eq 24 ]
/bin/date >>
/bin/echo folder:
$folder rsynced successfully >> /var/log/rsync.log
"Rsync $folder with Error Code (May not be successful): $ErrorCode" |
/bin/mail -s "Rsync: Gmail "
/bin/date >>
/bin/echo folder:
$folder rsynced with Errorcode: $ErrorCode >> /var/log/rsync.log
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